Willbe O'Key
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I find quite surprising you still don´t know who Wilbe is because he lives inside you. Yeah, you heard it right, he is part of your inner self and you both have shared the best moments in your life. Also, the worst ones.

It’s possible that is the reason which didn’t let you see it properly…You have to take into account that he sometimes hides after the storm, and when that happens, it doesn’t matter how hard you call him, you won’t be able to see him. But when the sun comes out, even if the beam of light is low, magic will take place, and Wilbe O’key will grow again inside.

Now you’ll be wondering: And what is Wilbe doing while the storm is bursting? Exactly the same as you…he’s chilling at home, chatting with friends and relatives on the phone, reading pending books, taking on a new hobby (he wants to learn how to paint, but he’s only painting rainbows), in short, the same as everyone…but, most of all, he awaits.

Wilbe waits patiently and enjoys everything which is around because he knows after the storm it’s his time to take action, and oh!…That moment is so wonderful that makes the wait worthwhile. His smile settles in your brain and your soul automatically calms down.

With him you’ll learn that everything you need is inside you. Storms come and go away, but love and brightness are up to you!


Katia Fair Cotton in different colours. Pistachio 34, red 4, light pink 13, night blue 24, mint green 17, pearl light grey 11, black 2.
2mm crochet hook
Stitch markers
Tapestry needle and pins
Pollyfill stuffing