Logan Koala
by: pica pau

Growing up by the beach with one echidna and two wallaby sisters, and one wombat and three platypus brothers, Logan always had to work a little harder and have a little extra patience to get what he wanted … And what he wanted, was to surf the waves like his older brothers and sisters. With only two boards for the entire family, Logan learned how to be patient. He knows how lucky he is to be so loved by his family and always have someone to hug him when he’s afraid or feeling a little blue. Logan is now finishing his studies in environmental engineering, it’s the best way to return the love he received and take care of the home that gave him so much.

Skill level: easy
Size: 8.5" / 22cm when made with indicated yarn

Finished creations
Discussion topics
Quantité de laine
 Bonjour je suis débutante dans le crochet. Pourriez-vous m'indiquer le nombre de pelote de laine concernant le ...
2 posts
Nini33 started over one month ago
Desischnee replied over one month ago

How to sew/attach pompons
Hi!! I still don't get how attach the pompons to the ear. Can someone explain it to me, please ...
2 posts
anonymous started over one month ago
Joke replied over one month ago

Hi I was just wondering if you do or do not allow people to sell what they have made with your patterns? Thank you. I love th...
2 posts
Fishydolphin2 started over one month ago
Joke replied over one month ago