Lupita Spider Monkey
by: pica pau

Since she first heard “Space Oddity”, Lupita knew that she was going to devote her life to two things: go into space to travel beyond the frontiers of monkeykind and … learn how to dance on roller skates. Lupita knows that her dreams aren’t easy to achieve. She spends almost all of her time studying. And when she can no longer read another word or formula, she puts on her skates, puts on her David Bowie playlist, and goes off to practice. Studying to go to space is a challenge, but dressing in jumpsuits and sequins and being able to dance with roller skates without being embarrassed is one of the most difficult things anyone can think of.

Skill level: experienced
Size: 13.5" / 35cm when made with indicated yarn

Finished creations
Discussion topics
Jumpsuit too big
Hello everybody! I am crocheting Lupita and I love her. But my jumpsuit is getting way too big!:(  is there a mistake ...
8 posts
VeraSophie started over one month ago
dorarara replied over one month ago