Monty Tamandua
by: pica pau

Monty is a gardener who has the good fortune to live in an incredible landscape, the Valle del Lunarejo in Uruguay. He has a house at the top of “quebracho”, his favorite tree, where he likes to spend most of his time, drinking mate and eating churros with honey (just a bit, because he doesn’t want to abuse the generosity of his bee friends). Every day before sunset, he puts some juicy fruits and a notebook in his bag and makes his daily tour of the valley. Monty has to check the health of all the trees and make sure that the insects are doing what they have to do. Monty usually prefers to be alone, but once a month he meets with René Yacaré Caiman and Marcos Coatí to exchange data on the regions they work in and discuss the book they’re writing together.

Skill level: experienced
Size: 12.5 / 32cm when made with indicated yarn

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