Newton Owl
by: pica pau

Newton is a cartographer and met his best friend Darwin Turtle when mapping a group of new islands in the Pacific Ocean. Although they don’t see each other a lot, they write each other the longest letters, detailing every little thing they learned while not together. Darwin can write page after page about the number of spots he saw on a ladybug, and Newton couldn’t care less, but he enjoys Darwin’s passion so much that he never complains, not even when he writes him for the umpteenth time about how his uncle met the very same Charles Darwin. And sometimes, these detailed descriptions come in handy, because what Newton loves doing most, is creating imaginary maps for imaginary worlds. Believe it or not, Newton is the mastermind behind the maps of most of the games, stories and movies you know.

Skill level: intermediate
Size: 6.5" / 16cm when made with indicated yarn

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