Otis Sloth
by: pica pau

Otis had a hard time figuring out what he wanted to do. He’s a patient guy (yes, some stereotypes hold true), but he was slowly getting bored of doing almost nothing. First, he tried to be a DJ, but Otis didn’t like most of the loud, modern music. He then tried working at a restaurant, but sadly, his customers had the curious habit of wanting their food still hot. Otis decided to wait until the next opportunity presented itself (stress isn’t good for your complexion), and what do you know, a new job opened up right away. His friend Lupita Spider Monkey told Otis that she needed someone to keep an eye on her space observatory at night. And that’s how Otis landed his dream job, watching the night skies while lying on a nice branch.

Skill level: intermediate
Size: 12" / 30cm when made with indicated yarn

Finished creations
Discussion topics
Otis bradipo istruzioni naso
 Sul libro nella descrizione del naso si parla prima delle catenella e poi di un anello magico. Sono due pezzi distinti ...
2 posts
anonymous started over one month ago
Joke replied over one month ago