Triton the Walrus
by: Natura Crochet

Triton the Walrus always dreamt of becoming a lifeguard and helping others, but unfortunately he was afraid ... of water. His good friend Neville the Seal gave him some lessons and also bought a swim ring for him, and that made all the difference in the world. Now Triton isn't afraid of the water anymore, and he can watch the tourists during the day with a steady and calm eye. In the evenings, he'll often go for a swim together with Stripey the Angelfish.

Skill level: easy
Size: 7" / 18cm tall when made with indicated yarn

Finished creations
Discussion topics
Trittons swimming ring
Hi, are  the 15 chains for the swimming ring nog top small? Greetings Ingrid 
1 posts
Beau started over one month ago

I have that the eyes are between rounds 38 and 39. How far from start stitch area?
1 posts
2cats4me started over one month ago