Elm the Tree Fairy
by: LittleAquaGirl

Elm the tree fairy has profound knowledge of natural remedies and the healing power of plants. With gentle guidance, he shares the secrets of the woods with others, teaching them about the medicinal properties of leaves, roots and flowers. As a hobby, Elm enjoys woodworking and creates magic with his woodworker's knife. Elm is best friends with Jules and he often helps her forage ingredients for her next cook, ensuring a nourishing meal for all!

Skill level: experienced
Size: 8" / 20cm tall when made with indicated yarn

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Errata - NEDERLANDS - Haarbasis
Helaas werd er na het drukken van het boek een foutje gespot in dit patroon. Onze excuses voor het ongemak!Haarbasis...
1 posts
Joke started over one month ago