Willow the Wolpertinger
by: LittleAquaGirl

You can find sweet little Willow playing in the alpine fields of Bavaria. In winter, she makes snow angel and in summer she picks edelweiss to make flower crowns. Whatever the season, she always sings the songs from her favorite movie 'The Sound of Music' out loud. Will she meet her Captain Cottontail someday? It's so nice to daydream while watching the fluffy clouds in the sky.

Skill level: intermediate
Size: 7" / 18cm when made with indicated yarn

Finished creations
Discussion topics
Head bigger than body
The head is so much bigger than the body...is that the way it's supposed to be? It seems like it will topple over when I atta...
2 posts
SheOsborne started over one month ago
Joke replied over one month ago