Finley the Blue Whale
by: Haluster Crochet

Blue whales are the largest animals on the planet, weighing as much as 200 tons (approximately 33 elephants). Despite their size, this animal is not dangerous to humans, as it\'s not aggressive and it has no teeth. Blue whales were hunted for their blubber, which is a type of fat that was used to make oil. This caused their population to decrease significantly. Despite the current ban on hunting, blue whales still face many threats, such as pollution, climate change, and getting caught in fishing nets. Approximately 5,000-15,000 of these gentle giants remain in the wild today, a huge decrease from the 350,000 individuals roaming the seas 200 years ago.

Skill level: easy
Size: 10.5" / 27cm long when made with indicated yarn

Finished creations
Discussion topics
Hi, is the whale made with X or V stitches? Thanks :-) Annika
2 posts
Anniundka started over one month ago
Haluster replied over one month ago