Kia the Monk Seal
by: IwannaBeHara

Monk seals are known for their solitary and elusive nature, preferring to live in remote and secluded areas such as caves and rocky shorelines. They feed primarily on fish, squid, and crustaceans, and can hold their breath for up to 20 minutes while diving to depths of over 100 meters to forage at the seafloor. Unfortunately, monk seal populations have declined significantly in recent years due to a combination of factors such as entanglement in derelict fishing gear, limited prey availability, shark predation and toxoplasmosis (an infectious disease spread by feral cats). The current population is estimated to be around 1,600 seals, only one-third of historic population levels.

Skill level: intermediate
Size: 5" / 13cm tall when made with indicated yarn

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