Luty the Polar Bear
by: Mad Toymaker

The polar bear is adapted to its cold and snowy habitat with a thick layer of insulating fur and blubber that helps to keep it warm in freezing temperatures. Its paws are specially adapted to walk on ice and snow, with rough pads that provide traction and sharp claws that can grip onto the ice. They feed primarily on seals, which they hunt by waiting near breathing holes in the ice, attacking when the seal comes up for air. There are around 22,000 polar bears left in the wild, but man-made global warming is making life tough for these impressive, powerful predators. As the sea ice in the Arctic region melts due to climate change, polar bears are losing their main habitat and food source, making it increasingly difficult for them to survive.

Skill level: experienced
Size: 3" / 7.5cm tall when made with indicated yarn

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Errata - Luty the Polar Bear - Body
Unfortunately shortly after printing we noticed a mistake in the pattern for Luty the Polar Bear's Body. Please find the corr...
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Joke started over one month ago