Stuck on Round 1!

over one month ago, Kovner wrote:

So we start with ch13. Then on the front side we do inc, 10sc, 3sc in last. That adds up to 15 stitches on the front side. Then the pattern says 11 sc on the backside of the foundation chain to add up to 26, but since we chained 13, shouldn't there be 13 loops on the back? What am I missing?

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Re: Stuck on Round 1!

over one month ago, dorarara wrote:

 On 2023-05-25 16:25:09, Kovner wrote:

So we start with ch13. Then on the front side we do inc, 10sc, 3sc in last. That adds up to 15 stitches on the front side. Then the pattern says 11 sc on the backside of the foundation chain to add up to 26, but since we chained 13, shouldn't there be 13 loops on the back? What am I missing?

Hi! I guess you're referring to round 1 of the head. On the front side we work in 12 stitches (skipping the first ch). When we turn to work on the other side of the foundation chain, we don't work in the last st where we just worked 3 sc in, leaving us with 11 stitches to work in (still skipping the first ch we skipped at the beginning). I hope this helps you out? Enjoy crocheting!

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Re: Stuck on Round 1!

over one month ago, Kovner wrote:

Yep that helped! I don't think I knew I needed to skip the first chain on the backside as well!

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