Round 2

over one month ago, Pip wrote:

I was making the forelegs of the kitsune, but there stands:

R1: 6 sc in magic loop [6]

R2: increase in stitches 4 and 9 [12]

How does that work?

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Re: Round 2

over one month ago, dorarara wrote:

Hi, round 2 says:

Rnd 2: (3 sc in next st, inc in next st, sc in next st) repeat 2 times [12]

So you make an increase with 3 sc in the first st, then an increase with 2 sc in the next st and then 1 more sc, and you repeat this 2 times, making your stitch total 12 at the end of round 2. I hope this helps you out, enjoy crocheting! :) 

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Re: Round 2

over one month ago, Pip wrote:

Oh, thank you! I have a translated version, so I think that's the problem

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Re: Round 2

over one month ago, dorarara wrote:

Hi Pip, no problem! Can you please tell me in which language your book is? I'll check in with our partner publisher to see if there's a typo in the translated version and see if we can get it corrected :).

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