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Oscar the Saber-Toothed Tiger from Dinosaurs, Mammoths and More Prehistoric Amigurumi

Gin created this

Given I have a bit of a yarn stash 'challenge' (I think I am the only one? :), I tried to strike a balance staying true to colours and using what I had. Wanted to have some fun with the tail so made it longer and inserted pipe cleaners for shaping. Also, added a few stitches to the eyes. Loved making this, although I needed youtube's help for the sewing and am still not totally satisfied with my sewing. (such is life). All thanks for the photo's goes to my husband who always introduces ori


over one month ago, Bruno wrote:

Gin also mentioned and would like to add: 

The fish is from a pattern by Paulina Łata: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/fish-keychain-amigurumi


Thank you for being so considerate to the designer!

370 posts


over one month ago, DIY Fluffies wrote:

The fish is perfect for him! I like the stripes.

440 posts
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