Ron Red Panda
by: pica pau

Ron is kind of a chatterbox. He jabbers about anything. Really, anything that comes to his mind. He's curious, so he reads a lot. Like: all day long. And again: everything. Especially silly facts, things that hardly anyone cares to read about. And he's great at remembering all that stuff, including the most capricious details. He\'s also great at repairing things. Perhaps for the same reason he can remember every minor detail, he can also repair all things that others gave up on. Like that faucet that keeps dripping, or the irritating noise the closet door makes, specifically at 6 in the morning when you are trying not to wake the whole family. Yes, you may say Ron is the best Handy Andy Red Panda, and the most chattery as well.

Skill level: intermediate
Size: 10.5" / 27cm tall (ears included) when made with indicated yarn

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