Tina Lemur
by: pica pau

Tina was born in Madagascar, the fourth largest island in the world, and one of the most unique. She descends from a family of doctors and nurses. When Tina was a little lemur, she met Lupita Spider Monkey and Otis Sloth. They became the closest friends and spent many nights staring at the sky. But eventually she went her own way, dedicating her life to her family's passion, giving care to whoever needs it, regardless of size or species. Nowadays, Tina works as a nanny. She adores being with kids, fooling around (and taking care of them, of course). She's also studying to be a nurse just like her grandfather and her aunty. And although she doesn't have the chance to see her friends as often as she would like, Lupita and Otis call her almost every night to jointly look at the night sky.

Skill level: experienced
Size: 14" / 36cm tall when made with indicated yarn

Finished creations
Discussion topics
Errata - Tina Lemur - Fingers
Unfortunately a small mistake was spotted on page 92 of Tina Lemur's pattern. This mistake can be found in the first and seco...
1 posts
Joke started over one month ago