Baby ducks

over one month ago, wrote:

I went in for the duck and I'm struggling to continue from row 17 I'm confuse on completely plz help me

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Re: Baby ducks

over one month ago, dorarara wrote:

Hi, thanks for your message! In round 17 of the head/body, you have your round piece of the body, and you then make a chain of 12 stitches (the instructions for the chain stitch are included on page 8 of your book). These chain stitches form the spine of the duck. You then start working back down in the chains you just made, so you make 11 sc in the chains. In round 18, you then continue around the round piece of the body and up the same chain again (in the remaining side of the chains). At the end of round 18, you'll end up with a 'spoon shape', so to say. I hope this helps you out, let me know if there's anything else I can help you with!

Post last edited over one month ago by dorarara

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