Making the body

over one month ago, wrote:

I am working on Mallard and am not sure how to proceed with the light brown and beige. I made the chain and attached the eyes and am now trying to finish the body. I'm at row 28 - SC in the next 13. etc. I'm  not sure which direction the stitches are supposed to go on the chain and how to connect the light brown again.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Barbara Mullarky

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Re: Making the body

over one month ago, birkiemom wrote:

I am having the same problem. Did you ever get it figured out?

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Re: Making the body

over one month ago, Joke wrote:

Hi Birkiemom & anonymous, sorry to have missed your question at first.

This is the round you're referring to:
Rnd 28: sc in next 6 st, (change to beige yarn) ch 15, starting in the second ch from hook, sc in next 14 st. This will bring you back to the point from which you branched off with the chain. Continue into the round, make a sc into the same stitch from which you branched off. (Change to warm brown yarn.) Sc in next 12 st [47]

What you do here, is working back on the chain. After you have made your chain, you insert your crochet hook in the second loop (so the first one after the one on your hook) and then make a sc in this stitch. You continue to make sc on the chain until you have 14 (and you're back at the body). You then continue working on the body, by simply working the next sc in the same stitch where you started your chain. You then change color and sc in the next 12 st on the body.

I hope this helps?


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Re: Making the body

over one month ago, Ami0812 wrote:

How do you keep going on Rnd 29? Do you work down the spine or continue going around the nech?

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Re: Making the body

over one month ago, Joke wrote:

hi Ami0812,

You work around the entire piece - body and spine.

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