Bao the Giraffe

over one month ago, LoveBao725 wrote:

I am stuck. I'm at the point where the legs are getting joined to the body and I have no idea how to do this. I don't understand what to do ... Please help me. 

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Re: Bao the Giraffe

over one month ago, Bntheus wrote:

Hi! I too was very lost on what to do and actually got half way and realized I was doing it inside out from that point. All I did was research videos on how to join amigurumi parts and that seemed to help me going forward. 

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Re: Bao the Giraffe

over one month ago, dorarara wrote:

Hi everyone, thanks for your messages and I'm sorry for the late reply! You make a central piece (rounds 1-4 of the body), and you then put a finished leg right next to it and work all around the leg, then back on the central piece, you then put another finished leg right next to it and work all around the leg andsoforth. Picture 1 shows you the joining part. I hope this helps you out, enjoy crocheting!

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Re: Bao the Giraffe

over one month ago, Kkaspick wrote:

I don't understand what it means to sew the holes at the legs closed with the yarn tails

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Re: Bao the Giraffe

over one month ago, dorarara wrote:

 On 2023-09-07 22:46:04, Kkaspick wrote:

I don't understand what it means to sew the holes at the legs closed with the yarn tails

Hi! When you've attached the legs, there could be small holes visible between the legs and the rest of the body. If you left yarn tails on the legs, you can use these to sew the gaps closed, or you can take a separate piece of yellow yarn to sew the gaps closed. I hope this helps, enjoy crocheting!

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Re: Bao the Giraffe

over one month ago, Jean61 wrote:

Is there a video that shows how to join the legs?  It would be helpful. I also am having difficulty with the leg joining. 

Post last edited over one month ago by Jean61

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Re: Bao the Giraffe

over one month ago, dorarara wrote:

 On 2024-01-09 16:08:29, Jean61 wrote:

Is there a video that shows how to join the legs?  It would be helpful. I also am having difficulty with the leg joining. 

I'm afraid we don't have a video for this part, sorry I can't be of help with this. If you're stuck on the joining, could you perhaps share a picture of your work in progress? Maybe I can help you out from there.

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