Jucy Bubble gum

$ 7.00

US English pattern by Kreatyvchen. Includes step-by-step pictures.

Amigurumi Crochet Pattern - Jucy Bubblegum english US terms
PDF - 19 pages digital download

PLEASE NOTE: This is a PDF, not the finished product! By clicking the download button for the pattern file, you agree that your right to cancel or request a refund for the purchase will be waived.


- yarn
- 2.0 mm crochet hook (or in accordance with the yarn you use)
- Fiberfill for stuffing
- A pair of safety eyes (8mm)
- Scissors, yarn needle, stitch markers, tape, brush
- optional: Wire (I used 1mm diameter steel wire from a local hardware store)
- Brush paint for cheeks
- Pins for temporarily pinning
- wooden stick

The pattern is for personal use only. The pattern (or parts of it) may not be published (printed or online), reproduced, altered or resold.

You can sell your dolls, handmade by yourself, in a limited number or show photos of them online.

Stitches used: chain, slip stitch, magic ring, single crochet, increase, (invisible) decrease, half double crochet, double crochet, back loops only, front loops only, triple crochet, starting an oval piece with a foundation chain, cluster stitch, french knot, crochet into a ring, fastening off in the invisible way
Measurement: 28 cm tall

This pattern is for personal use. Please do not distribute, reproduce, share or sell this pattern. You may sell finished items made with this pattern, though only in small quantities, provided you credit the original designer. Wholesale is not allowed.

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