Greta Hen
by: pica pau

As all members of her family, Greta learned crochet, knitting and embroidery when she was only a little chick. And then she got bored of all that. She felt it was a pastime for old hens. And she was anything but an old hen. Years passed. Greta pursued an art career but couldn't find her place in the world. Until one day she saw an art installation made from yarn. All the skills she was taught in one gigantic piece of art that blew her away. Now, Greta happily confirms the crafter stereotype: she loves period drama, her cup of tea, chatting with her friends and, of course, stocking the biggest yarn stash you could possibly imagine. Since she\'s a yarn artist, she has a reasonable excuse. But it IS a lot of yarn. A don't-tell-your-friends-because-they-probably-think-you\'re-insane lot of yarn.

Skill level: intermediate
Size: 12.5" / 32cm tall when made with indicated yarn

Finished creations
Discussion topics
Hello! I'm having trouble starting to knit his clothes, I crocheted and weaned too many times and still can't understand how ...
2 posts
Guadi started over one month ago
dorarara replied over one month ago

Hello! I'm having trouble starting to knit his clothes, I crocheted and weaned too many times and still can't understand how ...
1 posts
Guadi started over one month ago